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What's new at Little Mountain Ranch

1933 Pennsylvania Dutch Bot Boi Pot Pie recipe Apr 17, 2023
1933 Pennsylvania Dutch Bot Boi Pot Pie A wonderful subscriber sent me a cookbook cover filled with newspaper clipping and handwritten recipes from the 1920s and 1930s. When we were looking through them, we came across one for a Pot Pie, called Bot Boi, which I decided to try. I fed 7 people...
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1930 First Prize Sandwich recipe Mar 14, 2023
My husband gifted me five beautiful vintage cookbooks. We’re having so much fun cooking out of them and learning about the previous owners of them. One of the books, ‘The Art of Cooking and Serving’ by Sarah Field Splint had several recipes that had been clipped out of the...
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How To Deal With Cabbage Moths gardening Jan 08, 2023
Cabbage moths are the bane of anyone who wants to grow brassicas. They are little white moths who lay eggs on the underside of the leaves of cabbages, Brussels sprouts, kale, cauliflower and broccoli. Those little eggs hatch into small green worms that can wreak havoc by eating holes into...
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High Tunnel Greenhouse Growing gardening Jan 07, 2023
One of the challenges to gardening in the North is that we not only have a short growing season, but we often have chilly springs and cool nighttime temperatures for most of the summer. It’s not an ideal growing environment for heat-loving plants like tomatoes and peppers. I’ve...
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Keeping Livestock Warm In The Winter animals Dec 29, 2022
Keeping warm in the winter is no mean feat here in the northern interior of B.C, Canada. Today it was -35 when I woke up in the morning, and it’s still hovering around -30 right now at midday. I always worry about my animals when it gets this cold, but I’ve learned a few tricks...
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Food Preservation Tips For Beginner Homesteaders canning Apr 01, 2022
Hello fellow homesteaders, I’m Chelsea, and I’d like to welcome you to the Little Mountain Ranch, where we embrace the values of self-sufficiency, grow our own produce, and preserve the bounties of our gardens. Food preservation has become an essential skill for us, ensuring we have...
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